S.E.L., a historic company in precision mechanics & TPSH, designer of adaptive processes and non-destructive testing, join forces to carry out joint projects for the factory of the future.
The factory of the future is an in-depth revolution and requires an evolution of procedures to guarantee permanent quality control and cost control. Companies of all sizes are looking for customised industrial automatic control systems to become part of an intelligent factory.
TPSH’s breakthrough technologies and the manufacture of small to medium series parts by S.E.L., allow us to accompany production sites in France and abroad in their industrial revolution.
We work with suppliers with unique know-how and this complementarity enables us to offer you autonomous and reliable control systems to guarantee all deliveries.
The two entities of the Gate-Innov group collaborate in the development of strategic concepts in France and abroad.
TPSH’s technologies and S.E.L.’s precision machining combine their complementarities to place you at the heart of this convergence and meet the challenges of global competitiveness through the manufacture of complex parts.
S.E.L. has been a historic manufacturer of complex parts since 1972, ISO 9000 certified since 1995 and ISO 9001 certified since 2005.
Its know-how in precision mechanics:
- Milling
- Quality control
- Laser engraving
- Assembly of parts
- Adjusting
- Editing
TPSH, creator of transverse technologies using patented robotic means since 1990 and NDT service provide.
TPSH innovation is the alternative to manual visual inspection with its technologies of:
- Detection of 2D and 3D cosmetic defects by vision
- Polishing, deburring and adaptive robotic grinding
- Automatic measurement at very high speed (8m/s) of sub-assemblies (gaps, flush, shape, dimensions, glass, bare sheet metal, paint, varnish, etc…)
- Real time control for additive manufacturing and welding during the manufacturing process