
Jun 21
3DMcGUN_contrôle automatique_inspection qualité portatif_Atos_TPSH

1st PORTABLE TOOL FOR 3D MEASUREMENT. A PRODUCT 100% DONE FOR QUALITY INSPECTION. TPSH presents its autonomous portable 3D measurement system. The 3DMcGUN© is our new handheld metrology inspection system for aeronautical fuselages. This turnkey system with on-board real-time processing and dedicated HMI is designed to automatically analyze the conformity of: – rivet assembly – […]

May 21
AUTOMATIC INSPECTION QYALIY_TPSH_product innovative 4-0_5-0

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR 2D|3D CONTROL OF FINISHED PRODUCTS. TPSH offers 100% automatic systems, combined with HMIs to generate systematic compliance reports. Contact us for your industrial quality inspection challenges. We provide automatic solutions with integrated workstations for visual inspection replacement, automatic 3D measurement, adaptive NDT, adaptive polishing and angular adjustment. Discover our products of: – […]

Apr 21
PAMPROD_machine de fabrication additive grande dimension_TPSH

TPSH, partner in the PAMPROD project: ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING PROCESSES. A hybrid machine with high productivity, flexible and agile according to the needs of uses (manufacturing, addition of functions, repair, reconstruction) or materials (stainless steel, steel, superalloys, titanium, …). Innovations in this process: – The machines are equipped with a hybrid additive manufacturing solution, combining powder […]

Mar 21

Cette année, crise sanitaire oblige, Techinnov sera 100 % online et vous ouvre sa communauté pendant 1 mois. L’agglo y sera, comme les années précédentes, avec une délégation de 9 start-ups ou entreprises innovantes. TPSH y participe grâce à l’invitation du Grand Paris Sud. Techinnov, c’est LE rendez-vous incontournable de l’année, le 1er avril, avec, […]

Mar 21
TECHINNOV_TPSH_1E AVRIL2021_100online_temoignage TPSH_usine4_0_5_0

Claude Léonetti, founder and chairman of TPSH (Évry-Courcouronnes) will be part of the business delegation accompanying Grand Paris Sud to the Techinnov 2021 show.. Founded in 1990 by Claude Léonetti, TPSH develops automatic non-destructive testing systems, real-time robotic processes, optical products for non-contact 3D measurement, artificial intelligence solutions and automatic analysis… which replace visual inspections […]

Feb 21

PAM-PROD (Additive Manufacturing Processes – Productivity), is an industrial project developing a disruptive additive manufacturing solution for producing large parts and components in a costeffective manner. The project was launched in response to the needs of the Aeronautics, Energy, and Defence sectors for producing large parts of up to five meters. PAMPROD answers this demand by […]

Feb 21
Etabli roulant ou fixe_inspection cobotique_contrôle qualité_TPSH

TPSH, forerunner for more than 15 years in Industry 4.0 technologies, has developed an industrial technology of automatic 2D/3D control for the conformity of complex assemblies. This new cobotic system is a mobile, easily transportable and versatile workbench with a cobot interfaced with an intelligent TPSH measuring head and an HMI to supervise all control […]

Jan 21
Nos produits pour l'Industrie du Futur 4.0_crise sanitaire 2020_contrôle automatique_TPSH

Rediscover our 4.0 TPSH product range. Our products respond to your industrial transformation challenges at the heart of the health crisis we are going through. We provide high-tech products combining innovation and improvement of your processes in the following areas: > 2D and 3D control system – 100% automatic | robotised or cobotised, > sautomatic non-destructive […]

Dec 20
Cellule CND automatique_cobotique_contrôle qualité_produits finis_TPSH

100% AUTOMATIC SOLUTION FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF FINISHED PRODUCTS. Cobotic cell with rotating multiplates for the detection of assembly defects. Discover our closed, cobotised cell for the detection of all types of assembly defects on finished products. Our technology is the fusion between an intelligent automated optical inspection head, a cobot, rotary multiplates, calibration accessories […]